Our site is here to show our daily adventures with our 6 year old daughter and our 3 year old son. We are glad you are here! Welcome!

Thursday, December 30, 2010
Beauty Day
My little Ellie loves to be all made up. So, today we deemed the afternoon beauty day while Reid napped. We did make up and played beauty salon. She was loving every minute of it. She also wanted curly hair (which she asks for frequently). Her hair is so stick straight that it doesn't always do what she wants it to. So, with a little online advice, we went into the bathroom to have at it. And here is what happened....
Move over Betty Crocker...there's a new girl in town
We had a blessed Christmas all in all. We have not had Christmas with my mom and brother yet, but that is to come. My mom has been really sick for a long time and hopefully sooner than later, she will be feeling up to par and we can go enjoy another family gathering. We love them.
Speaking of family, my brother in law, Aaron, came from Rhode Island for a great visit. We were hoping that we would get to keep him here with us because of the huge snowstorm in the east. Unfortunately, he did have to leave us this week, however. His girlfriend, Christina, was with her family in North Carolina, but was sweet enough to remember Ellie and Reid. She sent gifts which the kids were thrilled with.....but truly I think they would have enjoyed Christmas a lot more if she could have been with us instead of gifts. Maybe next year! Ellie got a cute baking gift set along with other gifts as well, but we thought we would give this one a try. Reid was napping nicely one afternoon, and it gave Ellie and I perfect baking time! Thank you, Christina!
What an ensemble! Complete with muffin mixes!
Friday, December 24, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Tis the Season
The countdown is getting really exciting at our house. Ellie has been putting cotton balls on Santa's beard since the first day of December to count down the days until Christmas. We are officially into the REALLY exciting stage because Uncle Aaron is home and presents from far away family members are coming in the mail. I think this Christmas will be very fun for the kids because of their ages. They are both so excited.
It has also been nice doing special things along the way to show the kids what Christmas is really about. Getting gifts for kids who are in need was a really special event this year because Ellie really gets that now. I loved seeing how happy she was to give to others.
We hope the true meaning of Christmas shines brightly at your house this year. Merry Christmas!
Aunt Holly sent gifts in the mail from Florida, and as you can see, Ellie was in shock that Aunt Holly sent accessories for her Zhu Zhu pet that were just perfect!
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Clean (but messy) fun...
Need a good way to get your countertops clean and allow your kids to have fun at the same time?
But be careful.....6 year olds and 3 year olds can take it a little too far....(and I guess the 34 year old in the above picture can, too!)
Friday, November 26, 2010
Christmas- Diva style
So, who says Christmas can't be girly? Now don't get me wrong....we celebrate the TRUE meaning of Christmas at our house. We love celebrating Christ's birth. It is the focus of our holiday. But when celebrating, Ellie likes to show her true spirit....which is.....
It does get me all fired up for the season, that is for certain.
PINK and girly. This tree is in her room, and she decorated it all on her own.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Preschool has begun!
Well, Preschool has officially begun for Reid. I had issues with sending him. Not because I didn't want him to go, or because I thought the program would not be good for him. Actually, just the opposite. I think that the structure and daily routine is good for him, and I think that having him go into the program that he is in is wonderful. It is a gift to Reid, for sure. Reid qualified to go because of speech issues. He really speaks quite well, and I am so proud of how far he has come. He tries to say anything you ask him to say, and usually with little difficulty. He does have lacking sounds and some nasality issues, but all in all, we are blessed by what his speech teachers have been able to accomplish with him so far.
Reid had an IEP written for him in the areas of speech and language development, and was able to go to a wonderful preschool program with speech services weekly targeted for his IEP goals. What a gift. And even more so, he can go for this year and the next two....with no cost. What a blessing. And my issues, you ask? He is my baby. Yes, he is stubborn and so strong-willed, but he is just 3, and he seems so little yet.
My mom was able to go to a Thanksgiving celebration in his class last week, and she was able to report that Reid was able to listen to directions, follow along, participate in a class "play" and even walked up to the microphone and clearly state, "I'm thankful for my family." Mom had wonderful things to report to me, and said that he just looked at home there. My heart is relieved. She took some pictures, and I wanted to share. Now, keep in mind, in his class are 3, 4, and 5 year olds. It's funny to see him as the "little one" because he is so big....but I think he is in good hands, and I think we are blessed to have him in this program.
My baby.....first in line for food! Wonder where he gets that trait????
This little one has a true place in my heart. This is Makenna. She was also born cleft. Her family and ours live in the same town, and have become great friends through this journey that we are on together. Reid and Makenna share a bond much deeper than just the cleft. They are, and hopefully will be, great friends for a long, long time.
Reid had an IEP written for him in the areas of speech and language development, and was able to go to a wonderful preschool program with speech services weekly targeted for his IEP goals. What a gift. And even more so, he can go for this year and the next two....with no cost. What a blessing. And my issues, you ask? He is my baby. Yes, he is stubborn and so strong-willed, but he is just 3, and he seems so little yet.
My mom was able to go to a Thanksgiving celebration in his class last week, and she was able to report that Reid was able to listen to directions, follow along, participate in a class "play" and even walked up to the microphone and clearly state, "I'm thankful for my family." Mom had wonderful things to report to me, and said that he just looked at home there. My heart is relieved. She took some pictures, and I wanted to share. Now, keep in mind, in his class are 3, 4, and 5 year olds. It's funny to see him as the "little one" because he is so big....but I think he is in good hands, and I think we are blessed to have him in this program.
Reid's class. Doesn't he look small!!!! He is the last one on the right.

Saturday, November 13, 2010
Novermber Photo Shoot
I have to completely applaud the lovely folks at Portrait Innovations. Anyone who can take 96 pictures of Reid and have me stumped for an hour on which pose is the best should be commended. They were on time, efficient, clean, and took absolutely wonderful pictures of the kids. Seriously....96 pictures. I wanted to post just a few that I thought were super cute. Don't look too close.....you may be getting some in your Christmas envelopes before you know it! See what you think!
I wasn't even going to get Ellie's picture taken since she had school pictures that just came home. But, since we were there....might as well, right? I was glad I did.
I got this picture for one reason. My dad. He always loved Ellie's lashes. When I saw this picture of her looking down, showing off those beautiful lashes, I had to smile. I can hear my dad saying, "Ellie, where are your eyelashes? Too bad you don't have any..." So, this one is for you, Dad.
Reid did not want to lay down for this shot. We had to bribe him and told him he could ride on the fire truck prop if he cooperated. That's all it took!

Good Ole' Days
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Quiet for too long
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Special Visitors
There is nothing better than when family comes home to visit!!! Brian's brother, Aaron, and his girlfriend, Christina came "home" to visit last weekend. We were blessed by their visit, and we are hoping Reid did not scare away Christina from coming back again. She definitely got a good taste of what "family" is all about! It was a gorgeous October weekend, and we spent a good part of Sunday in Pappy and Grandma's boat. What a great way to spend time together.
Here we are....enjoying our day together. I am surprised Reid was smiling so well. He hadn't had a nap and was about ready to take a crash landing at any moment!
As you see....Uncle Aaron brings out the best in us all! Here is Brian taking a moment to pose for the camera.
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Hello, and welcome to my page! I am so glad you are here. I am going to try and show you the average life of a 5 year old from my perspective. Mommy and Daddy will help me along the way if I get stuck.
Let me first introduce my family to you. I am Ellie. I am a 6 year old. I live in Ohio with my Mommy, Daddy, little brother Reid, and dog, Sophie. My mommy is a teacher. She teaches nine and ten year olds and loves it. She has been teaching for twelve years. My daddy works with computers. He works hard everyday.
We all love spending time together. I have wonderful grandparents and a terrific extended family. I am a very lucky girl. Thank you for visiting my page. Write to me any time. I love getting mail!!!
Many blessing to you all.
Little Ski (Ellie)
Let me first introduce my family to you. I am Ellie. I am a 6 year old. I live in Ohio with my Mommy, Daddy, little brother Reid, and dog, Sophie. My mommy is a teacher. She teaches nine and ten year olds and loves it. She has been teaching for twelve years. My daddy works with computers. He works hard everyday.
We all love spending time together. I have wonderful grandparents and a terrific extended family. I am a very lucky girl. Thank you for visiting my page. Write to me any time. I love getting mail!!!
Many blessing to you all.
Little Ski (Ellie)

Mommy and me having cuddle time at Hocking Hills.

Told ya, my hair can be wild! And you thought I was kidding!

Hmmm, Blue's Brother's perhaps?