Poor Brian's Mustang. It used to be "cool". If you look closely, it's been transformed. There are 2 carseats in the back! Reid's favorite thing is to "ride the vroom vroom car". So, Brian obliged, and we took the Mustang for a little spin....with the kids!

Ok.....so the cake picture. This was a good idea until Ellie came to me with "her" plan. This actually started out as a Weight Watcher cake, but it ended up far from that. Ellie LOVES to be in the kitchen helping. She loves to decorate and cook whenever she can. So, she asked me if she could frost the cake. I didn't see any harm in that. Then, she asked me to get out the sprinkles. Again....what could a few hurt? She wanted to "surprise" me with her creation, so I really didn't supervise as well as I should. When she was done, there were about 3 containers of sprinkles that had been used up...completely. I am telling you, the cake had mountains of sprinkles. She could not wait for us to eat it for dessert that night. So, we all had a little cake and a lot of sprinkles that night. I think Reid was on a sugar high for the next 72 hours. And I think Brian may have chipped a tooth on the crunchiness of the stacks of sprinkles. We laughed, and definitely declared it the best Weight Watcher cake, ever!
I love it when the kids are getting along and in one place for more than 4.8 seconds. Reid was probably re-programming Brian's I-pod here. Who knows!!!!! But, I love seeing Ellie and him snuggling close. Sweet. (what you didn't see what the massive breakdown when I said it was bedtime and the I-pod had to be put away.......you know.....normal "stuff")