Hilton Head Family Vacation 2011
Here we are! Hilton Head Island! Wooo-Eeeee!
Ellie and Reid are ready to hit the beach!
We found Santa there! His shirt even read, "Yes, it is me!"
Reid missed lunch at the Salty Dog Cafe'. The beach wears you out!
Ellie loving every part of the beach!
Best buddies....for this picture at least!
A beautiful end to a beautiful day!
Beaching it one evening.
Eating at the OSU restaurant. Fun stuff!
Ellie and Reid on the dolphin cruise.
Shark fishing!I wish my child had one ounce of fear in him!
One of my favorite pics from the trip!
Reid and his most favorite person in the whole world!
Ellie loving the ocean!
Ok, another of my favs!
...with a dash of orneriness!
And even a little more orneriness from the little man in blue!
Horseback riding, anyone?
Ellie wanted to take "Romeo" home with her.
The view from our condo. The ocean is just beyond the greenery. Gorgeous setting.
Children's Museum. Reid wrote his name here entirely on his own.
Miss Creative at the Craft Table at the museum.
Dessert????? YES!
It's hard to be this cool....
Ellie couldn't stop laughing!
The end of our journey! Coming home. Reid had to pee so bad! He would exclaim, "Please, Daddy.....I gotta go....BAD!" And for miles, this is what the signs on the side of the road said. Nothing around! So, Reid made his "peeing from the side of the van into the bushes off the side of the road" debut! I think we have created a mad-man. Because now when driving, I hear, "Mommy, I gotta pee BAD.....can I pee on the road?" And there you have it! Hilton Head 2011 in a nutshell. Miss it already!
We are on vacation right now taking lots of great pictures to share!!!! Once we are home, I will upload and post!!!! Hang on friends!
Hello, and welcome to my page! I am so glad you are here. I am going to try and show you the average life of a 5 year old from my perspective. Mommy and Daddy will help me along the way if I get stuck.
Let me first introduce my family to you. I am Ellie. I am a 6 year old. I live in Ohio with my Mommy, Daddy, little brother Reid, and dog, Sophie. My mommy is a teacher. She teaches nine and ten year olds and loves it. She has been teaching for twelve years. My daddy works with computers. He works hard everyday.
We all love spending time together. I have wonderful grandparents and a terrific extended family. I am a very lucky girl. Thank you for visiting my page. Write to me any time. I love getting mail!!!
Many blessing to you all.
Little Ski (Ellie)