Monday, June 2, 2008

Reid's sutures are out!

It's Ellie's mom taking a turn. Well, the sutures are out. I am excited to see what Reid looks like, but for now we are all in suspense because he is taped for now. We have to wait for the tape to come off before we get a peek at Reid's lip. He seems to be in good spirits for the most part. Mom and Dad are a bit cranky though, because our nights have been horrible. Last night was the worst...he would sleep for maybe 20-30 min. at a stretch then was up fussy and awake. I think in the last 3 nights, I have probably gotten a total of about 6-7 hours. I think those arm restraints and sleeping in the carseat have taken their toll on Reid. He is fed up! We can watch him closely...and if he doesn't pick at the nasal stints, then he can toss those arm restraints to the side until his palate surgery! Dr. Gosain did put size 5 stints in Reid's nose for now which are doing their job by stretching the skin. Reid will wear these for 3 months and we will go from there. We see our surgeon next week for our post op visit. So far, we are thrilled at the results. Here are just a few pics from today. Look at those stints! They are huge! I can't believe Reid doesn't pick at least not yet! Thanks for your love and prayers!

Reid's profile....looking good!

Reid saying he loves all of you for thinking of him over the past week. He is a happy little boy with a perfect new lip! Love to you all! (click the image to enlarge to get a really good look at the lip. There are stitches still in the lip that have not dissolved yet. But, it looks perfect).


Plus 3 said...

Wow! He's gorgeous!

Ava and the Trips said...

Oh my, you must be so worn out! Is there anything I can do to help?I would be happy to get Ellie and let her play with Ava this week if that would help! Let me know! His pictures are absolutely beautiful!


Rachel said...

now those are some kissing lips! just perfect!!!

LifeWithTheFerrells said...

WOW! He looks great! His little lip looks perfect! Those blue eyes just get to my heart! I ask God for a husband with blue eyes because I love them so, Scott has hazel and thought I better not be so picky since he had all the other qualities I was looking for (except being a millionair)! If you want, I'd come over tomorrow and watch the kids so you could go close your door and take a little nap or even a long hot shower!
Let me know.

Allison said...

What a doll! He looks absolutely perfect, he did before too, but oh my gosh!!!!

What exactly did they do that qualified the suture removal as surgery? When we took Abby in to have her stitches removed, they just wrapped her in a blanket and started snipping them away. It was so hard to watch, I was in tears. Sounds like you guys may have had a better experience than us. That's definitely something to be happy about!

steph said...

What a trooper. I don't think I would be too happy with those stints in MY nose. Gosh, Janeen, I bet you guys are exhausted...hoping you get some much needed rest soon.

Julie said...

OMG! He looks wonderful! What a fantastic result, you must be so pleased. I'm so happy for you that you all are on the other side of the rainbow!

Jenson's said...

Reid, You are AWESOME. What a perfect example for all. I wish I could give him a hug, so Ellie will have to give him one for me, and one for Abby, and one for Colton, and one for Heather.

Hello, and welcome to my page! I am so glad you are here. I am going to try and show you the average life of a 5 year old from my perspective. Mommy and Daddy will help me along the way if I get stuck.

Let me first introduce my family to you. I am Ellie. I am a 6 year old. I live in Ohio with my Mommy, Daddy, little brother Reid, and dog, Sophie. My mommy is a teacher. She teaches nine and ten year olds and loves it. She has been teaching for twelve years. My daddy works with computers. He works hard everyday.

We all love spending time together. I have wonderful grandparents and a terrific extended family. I am a very lucky girl. Thank you for visiting my page. Write to me any time. I love getting mail!!!

Many blessing to you all.

Little Ski (Ellie)

Mommy and me having cuddle time at Hocking Hills.

Told ya, my hair can be wild! And you thought I was kidding!

Hmmm, Blue's Brother's perhaps?