Our site is here to show our daily adventures with our 6 year old daughter and our 3 year old son. We are glad you are here! Welcome!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Desperate times call for desperate measures...
I wanted to play in my fort today, but Mother Nature must have disagreed with me. It was rainy. Now, if you remember from before, Mom wasn't too keen on the fort taking up the entire kitchen....so how about the front porch?????
Thanks, Mom for letting me play fort outside! I stayed nice and dry on the porch and Reid liked watching me pop up and down from inside the fort! The rain didn't spoil my day after all!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Monday, July 28, 2008
A fun afternoon...
Here I am with my baby and stroller heading to the park to play. Mommy, Reid, and me and my baby headed to the park for some afternoon fun.
Mommy liked my silly face I was making while swinging. I was watching some other kids playing further down from me...and Mommy snapped my picture.
Then, you won't believe this one! My friend, Caylin, from church was at the park, too!!!! She was going swimming at the pool which is right next to the playground. I wanted to go swimming, too....but not with Reid. Maybe sometime we will swim with Caylin. I was so excited to see her. Her Mommy let her play with me a little while before going to the pool. I love Caylin.
Just being me. I was balancing and being very careful. Reid was watching me the whole time. It was a really fun day!
Some of my favorites...
Ellie and Reid's mom here. Just wanted to show you that I FINALLY got Reid's 6 month hand and feet prints framed and hung in his room. We had these photos taken by the Ferrell's (if you live in NE Ohio and are looking for good photographers...call me!). They did a great job with Reid, and I just wanted to show you how this came out. Sorry about the glare, this is as good of a picture as I could get. Love these photos.....
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Teaching and Learning
My weekend with Grant
This weekend Mommy, Daddy, Reid, and I went to visit with Grant and his mommy and daddy. My daddy and his daddy were college buddies and then roommates after college. Grant is almost 2 and I had fun with him. This is his daddy filling up the pool to play in. I was helping him. I have a lot of experience with pools and water. I know a whole bunch.
I was so excited to be in the pool!!!! It was GREAT!
Here is Grant and Reid. Reid watched from the sidelines and Grant was making sure he wasn't getting wet when his daddy was filling up the pool. He is a very nice little boy. I told Mommy that he is my new friend.
Then, Jan, Grant's mommy was so nice she got little special bags to give to Reid and I when we left. In my bag was this REALLY neat coloring activity that uses water. You just have this special pen, fill it with water, and color the pictures. Mine is Barbie. Jan must really know me...because I love Barbie! I made this picture this morning when I got up with my new water pen. Then, after you color, in about 10 minutes, the color goes away and you can do it again! It's great!!!! Mommy loved it, too! Thanks, Jan!
This is me busily working on some more water art. I had a great time this weekend. Thanks, Chris, Jan, and Grant! Love you!
Thanks, Rach!
Ok, so I visited a friend's blog today and found this site that she uses for her blog. Her blog is adorable...and so I have been messing around with new possibilities for our blog. Not sure if I am set on this one or not. So, you may see the blog change from time to time just to mix it up a bit. Again, not sure if this is the one I want or not....but no time to play....Reid is awaking! A new look to come soon....and thanks, Rach, for allowing me to borrow your cute site!!!!!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Just cruising along....
Look what I did!
I was invited to play at my friend Allie Renee's house today. Her mommy is a kindergarten teacher, so she knows ALL kinds of fun things to do. We played dress up, painted our nails, rode bikes, and made these GREAT cookies. This was my stack that I decorated all by myself. Then, I got to take them home and share them with Mommy and Daddy....but not Reid. He is too small. Thanks, Allie Renee for inviting me over. Mommy thanks you, too!!!!! I love you, Allie!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
A day PERFECT for swimming!
Thank you, Boothby's for allowing us to swim. Thank you Ella and Emily for taking charge of Ellie. Ellie loves you two SOOOO much. She talked about you both in the car constantly...until she conked out! What a fun day swimming at your house! This is Ellie and Ella having fun! I had Ella as a fourth grader 7 years ago, her sister Emily, 9 years ago, and their brother, Aaron, 11 years ago. YIKES!!! How time flies!
Ellie in good hands with Ella near. Sorry, Emily.....I didn't get your picture taken!!!! My fault. Next time!!!!
Reid wondering what this water thing is all about. Loving the splashes! Until they hit him in the eye!
Love this photo. He kept the hat on for about 30 seconds. We need to work on this! He is more interested in eating the strap that hangs down.
As you can see, swimming took it out of Reid. I was simply letting him dry off a bit before changing him...and poof....out like a light! Thanks again all for such a great aternoon! We'll be back!!!!!!
Monday, July 21, 2008
Sunday, July 20, 2008
A little of this and a little of that!
Just showing what Reid is enjoying. He is sitting MUCH better on his own now. He still can be wobbly from time to time...but he is getting the hang of it. He is also up on all 4's rocking back and forth. It won't be too long until he takes off. I am not looking forward to him being mobile quite yet! Putting him down and allowing him to be somewhat stationary is ok by me right now. However, he is the master roller. He can roll from one side of the room to the other and then twist around and even sit up from being on his back to start with. I know...I am going to be in trouble with this one!
Table for one please....and make it a window seat!
Ha! Just because it is too cute NOT to post!
Ellie did her own hair. Like it? What you can't see are the barrettes in the back, in the middle, hanging all over. She wanted to go to the grocery store like this with me. I convinced her that her barrettes may fall out, and we wouldn't want that......and she agreed. Too funny. Miss Personality with a capital P!
Take charge, Ellie. I guess we are running out of space on the fridge, so Ellie is now taking over the basement door to also display her artwork. I don't know if she really wanted to display a lot, or if she just wanted an excuse to use the tape. Nonetheless, very sweet.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Reid is getting the hang of his cup...little by little!
Reid actually holding the cup. This is a step in iteself. Usually, he is banging it around on his tray....or against something....anything....to make noise.
Getting closer, Reid!!!!! He is getting the concept of what this cup thing is all about! Mommy is proud of him!
Silly boy.....he is proud of himself, too, as you can see by the grin! What a ham!
A new love....water balloons!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
We need our prayer warriors again....

This is Ian. He is 3 days older than Reid, and cute as a button! Ian was also born with a complete bilateral cleft lip/palate. His lip looks amazing, doesn't it? He is such a heartbreaker! His palate surgery is scheduled for tomorrow (Friday). I just ask that you keep Ian and his mom and dad in thought tomorrow as they face surgery with Ian. Pray for the doctors touch and peace for all family members during surgery. We will be thinking of you, Ian. Hugs to you all!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Our friends, Tristan and Cadence
Here's Reid swinging on Cadence's swing at her house. We went over to play today awhile. It was a fun time. Reid enjoys being outside in the shade.
This is Cadence. Isn't she SOOOOOO cute? Mommy says that she and Reid will go to prom together! What do you think?
Here I am playing with Tristan, Cadence's brother. We were playing water volleyball together. It was fun because it was so hot out today.
We were having a great time in the pool today. Tristan and I both take swim lessons, so we are brave.
More playing and splashing. I love my friends, and I am glad that they love me. Thanks, Tristan and Cadence for having us over!
Uh-Oh....goodbye stent size 5
Look what happened today! Mommy went to re-do the stent that just won't stay in....and pop the little piece on the end that we tape to Reid's nose area pulled right off. Yikes! So, Mommy called the p/s office and no fear.....the size 5 is in the mail today from the hospital. So......
right now Reid is wearing the size 3 that we had leftover from surgery. It is definitely smaller and fits in with little problem. Mommy actually had Reid wear this one this morning anyway because the 5 was just not fitting well after Reid having them out a lot during Mommy and Daddy's weekend away. Funny how things work. So, he will wear this size until the new 5 comes in the mail. This may help Reid's nose adjust better anyway. Ahhhhh.....what a day!
Thanks for your prayers...
Thanks all you prayer warriors out there who took the time to think of Drew and his family last week. Drew's palate surgery went really well, and he is home recovering. This picture was taken the day after surgery when he got home. Isn't that amazing? I hope Reid is in this good of spirits when the time comes!!!! Continue to keep this special family in your thoughts as Drew continues to heal at home. Hugs to you, Drew!
The BIG getaway....
Well, it's Ellie, and I wanted to tell you why there haven't been many posts lately. Mommy and Daddy went away for the weekend...ALONE! Pappy and Grandma watched Reid and I for the whole weekend. We tried to take it easy on them so they wouldn't be too worn out! Mommy and Daddy went to Niagara Falls. Daddy had never been there, and it was only about a 4 hour trip from home, which was a nice distance. They had a nice time but missed Reid and I a whole bunch! Here are some pictures from their trip.
They went to a butterfly conservatory and saw over 2,000 butterflies freely flying all over. They have lots of really neat pictures of many different butterflies.
Daddy met Tiger Woods. Well, kind of. He is made of wax. Mommy and Daddy toured the wax museum of the stars which they said was fun.
They said their favorite part was the White Water Walk. They got to walk right by the river where the largest rapids in the world are. Mommy said it was an amazing walk and they loved this part of the trip.
And then the Maid of the Mist. Mommy and Daddy got prety soaked since they were at the FRONT of the boat. What a way to experience the Falls. It was a good time for everyone, and Mommy said she was thankful for the time with Daddy. We had fun with Grandma and Pappy, too...so it was a great weekend. Now, enough pics of them.....back to Reid in me real soon!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Prayers for Drew

Just asking all of Reid's prayer buddies out there to take some time to think about Drew today. He is having his palate repaired and his family would appreciate prayers for a successful surgery along with a smooth recovery process. Little Drew is quite the charmer as you can see. We apprecaite your prayers for this little guy. Have a super day....and thank you!
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Reid loves Tad
Reid is borrowing MY Baby Tad. I am letting him use it. It has been mine since I was a baby, so I love it....but I will let Reid have it for a little bit. It plays music...and Reid loves it. Here is Reid laying on the Boppy just listening to Baby Tad play music to him. Sweet.
Reid chewing on his bib...listening to Tad. Just being cute.
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Hello, and welcome to my page! I am so glad you are here. I am going to try and show you the average life of a 5 year old from my perspective. Mommy and Daddy will help me along the way if I get stuck.
Let me first introduce my family to you. I am Ellie. I am a 6 year old. I live in Ohio with my Mommy, Daddy, little brother Reid, and dog, Sophie. My mommy is a teacher. She teaches nine and ten year olds and loves it. She has been teaching for twelve years. My daddy works with computers. He works hard everyday.
We all love spending time together. I have wonderful grandparents and a terrific extended family. I am a very lucky girl. Thank you for visiting my page. Write to me any time. I love getting mail!!!
Many blessing to you all.
Little Ski (Ellie)
Let me first introduce my family to you. I am Ellie. I am a 6 year old. I live in Ohio with my Mommy, Daddy, little brother Reid, and dog, Sophie. My mommy is a teacher. She teaches nine and ten year olds and loves it. She has been teaching for twelve years. My daddy works with computers. He works hard everyday.
We all love spending time together. I have wonderful grandparents and a terrific extended family. I am a very lucky girl. Thank you for visiting my page. Write to me any time. I love getting mail!!!
Many blessing to you all.
Little Ski (Ellie)

Mommy and me having cuddle time at Hocking Hills.

Told ya, my hair can be wild! And you thought I was kidding!

Hmmm, Blue's Brother's perhaps?