First, a little background. When my dad passed away on Sept. 30 of this year, it was a day that would change our lives forever, of course. Being there with family at the time of Dad's passing was a gift to us all. As my mom put it, "Dad made dying very easy on us all." And he did. He was his fiesty self until the very end. He never lost his humor, his compassion, or his faith. He knew where he was going, and he was not a bit afraid. He hated the thought of leaving us behind, but he also knew that we would be in good hands, and he would see to it that we were watched over. Before he died, Brian and I were in the room with him alone for a bit. I felt that I really wanted and needed Dad to know that it was ok for him to die. At this point he was in a coma and non responsive to us. But, I was hoping and praying that he could still hear us. I whispered in his ear how much I loved him and how proud I was of him. I told him that I wanted him to go when he was ready, and that we would be ok. I told him that I was so glad that Ellie and Reid would be watched over by such an important angel to us all. Nothing meant more to Dad than family, and in my heart of hearts, I just know that he surrounds us every day.
My dad passed away less than an hour after I told him that we would be ok. Less than one hour. My brother was not in the room at the exact moment when Dad passed. He was in the hallway. We got him in to the room right away to be with us. Kevin was sitting opposite my mom and I on the other side of Dad. Kevin did not share his story with me about this time until quite a bit later. I want to share it with you. You need to first understand that my dad and brother became very close through this illness. Kevin was always there with my mom for dad. Kevin was the only one who could make dad comfy in that less than comfy hospital bed. Kevin was the only one who could rub his legs to make the pain cease. Kevin was the only one who could pick the music that eased Dad's heavy heart. My dad was so very proud of Kevin. And I am so glad Kevin got to hear Dad say this to him. That was important.
Kevin told me a few weeks after Dad's passing that he saw something about 10 minutes after Dad passed. Kevin said that he saw 3 bold, circular, swirling bands of light that encircled Dad over and over again. He distinctly saw 3. He watched the clock and estimates that this went on for about 10-15 seconds. Then, they swirled to the ceiling, encircled the room that we were all in with Dad, and then disappeared. Then, at the funeral, Kevin again saw just one beam of light that encircled the casket several times during the prayer portion of the serivce right before the choir was to sing. It then circled the choir and disapperared. (My dad was the Minister of Music at our church for over 30 years). How appropriate, right?
Well, then recently we have been going through and putting away pictures. I just want to share 2 of them with you, and show you that our angel is indeed taking good care of us all. Miss you and love you, Dad.
Psalm 91:11-13 For God commands the angels to guard you in all your ways.

I noticed the circle in the second picture when you posted it the first time, and thought it was your dad. I definitely believe in angels. What a blessing to know our loved ones are always with us.
WOW!!! Yep, I definitely believe there are angels among us and it is such a comfort to have them there.
These come up in our pictures often since my dad and brother passed away, and I do believe it is them. My sis often has these images on her pictures that she takes in her backyard in the later afternoon because her house was built right in front of an old native american burial ground. Kinda weird stuff but confirmation each time I see them.
I also believe in angels. How wonderful that you have this comfort. The peace that comes from God is like no other. Having lost both of my parents, I am so grateful that even in your grieving, you have this amazing comfort. God is good. Always. Love you!
so cool!!!! Definitely your dad watching over you all and letting you know that he is STILL with you!! Many blessings to your family from us!
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