I am actually not talking about snow this time, although with more than 18 plus inches on the ground, I should be. As I was getting Ellie all geared up to go outside and
help Brian shovel, Reid helped himself to our fridge. As you can see.....the nice white moustache gives away what he got into. Or does it?????
Trust me....it's worth it.
With Reid, you can't expect the "norm"....

Yep, his beverage of choice....Coffee Mate....vanilla c
armel to be precise. I can't imagine he enjoyed it. Then again, this is a kid who can eat
mayonnaise as a main course if I let him. How do I know this???? Oh, I just do....let's leave it at that!
Hey, Reid, I can relate...I like to "fu fu" my coffee with vanilla carmel "white stuff"...not sure about drinking it straight tho:)
Hahaha -- at least it's always entertaining at your house :)
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