I loved spending the night at her house. I was always given the comfy, heavy quilt on "my" bed at her house, and now that quilt is at our house displayed on our bed. How lucky I am to have that. She would always make homemade popcorn on the stovetop burner when my brother and I would stay over, and I always thought that hers tasted the best. She was the one who always had enough room in her small house for another guest, no matter how many were already there. She did most of her own yardwork, cleaning, cooking, driving, and daily living tasks into her late 80's. She was a wonderful grandma that I was lucky enough to share with my cousins. She was a grandma to 8 and a great-grandma to 12. We loved her so very much, and will miss her sweet smile and love for all. I do have joy knowing that she has been reunited with my grandpa though. They have been apart for almost 32 years. I also have joy knowing that she is with Dad. I am sure they are all glad to have each other near. I love you Grandma. I am thankful that Brian, Ellie, and Reid had the chance to know and love you. You will be missed......
Here Reid and I am with Grandma close by. She loved him so much. (May 08)

So great to have fond memories with your grandmother and to know that she is reunited with your grandfather and Dad. People always think it is the huge things in life that will be remember when in reality it is the starburst, popcorn and quilts that mean the most. :) Great pictures of your grandmother with the kids. To be cherished forever.
I love the memories you shared of your grandmother! It sounds like her hospitality for little ones was extra special as you were growing up. What lovely, wonderful memories!!
I am very behind on my blog reading (as usual), but determined to catch up. I am so sorry to hear about your grandma, but it sounds like she a long and wonderful life. What great memories you have with her. That is truly something to cherish. This post is a lovely tribute to her.
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