Our site is here to show our daily adventures with our 6 year old daughter and our 3 year old son. We are glad you are here! Welcome!

Thursday, July 22, 2010
Reid- Speech Sample at OneTrueMedia.com
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Guess Who....
....and who scored the only goal in the soccer game tonight????
You are right! My Ellie-girl! So proud of you my soccer princess!
Rolling Ridge 2010
Ellie laughing at a parrot that was talking to her. She would crack up because it would say, "Let me out!" then laugh. Ellie thought this was hysterical!
Reid checking out the talking parrot. He had NO idea what to make of it!
Monday, July 5, 2010
Summer in a small town...
We also love Grandma for taking Ellie and Reid on the Ferris Wheel....because Brian and I are too chicken to attempt it. Not height fanatics here.
Yes, I did...
Yes, I did this.....and yes, I am proud of my bargain buy! Did I put manly swim trunks over top the pink Dora swimmers to save Reid's pride??? Yes, yes I did. Did I contemplate just having him go in the pink swimmers for less laundry? Yes, yes I did.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Mohican Family Vacation Favorites
Mohican....Vacation Time! June 2010
Let me first introduce my family to you. I am Ellie. I am a 6 year old. I live in Ohio with my Mommy, Daddy, little brother Reid, and dog, Sophie. My mommy is a teacher. She teaches nine and ten year olds and loves it. She has been teaching for twelve years. My daddy works with computers. He works hard everyday.
We all love spending time together. I have wonderful grandparents and a terrific extended family. I am a very lucky girl. Thank you for visiting my page. Write to me any time. I love getting mail!!!
Many blessing to you all.
Little Ski (Ellie)

Mommy and me having cuddle time at Hocking Hills.

Told ya, my hair can be wild! And you thought I was kidding!

Hmmm, Blue's Brother's perhaps?