What a fun day it was! It was "Girl's Day Out" for Ellie, myself, my mom (in red) and my mother in law (in black). We have tried to stick to the once a month rule of going somewhere special together, but since the birth of Reid and our roller coaster schedules, this hasn't happened lately. But, today was different. Ellie and I surprised the grandma's today to The Rockette's Christmas Show in Cleveland. It was AMAZING. If you get the chance to go....DO IT! It was a really nicely done program ending with the Christmas story and the birth of Jesus. It was nice to see a show that really highlighted the true meaning of Christmas. We had a wonderful day.....and I was so glad I got to spend it with them. **we did have a little breakdown by Ellie at lunch afterwards at Applebee's because she spilled chocolate milk all down her shirt....but we all survived!** Thanks to my moms for going....it was a wonderful day out! When are we going out again????
** and a BIG thanks to Brian for watching Reid all day....love you, too!
Here we are before the program. So fun!
Ellie and her grandmas who she loves to pieces. (Thanks to the guy who sat next to me that made faces at Ellie to get a smile out of her!!!!!) Gotta love it!
What a fun girlie outing!
That sounds like a wonderful day out...I LOVE girl's days out!
THANK YOU, BRIAN! We did have a wonderful day!
Love....Grandma Karen
What a fun Christmas memory for all of you. You are certainly Blessed to have each other.
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