Today marks the day that changed my little boy's face forever. It has been two years since Reid's lip repair, and I am amazed how fast time goes. When you are going though this journey, there are many times that I thought that time could not go fast enough. And here I sit, two years later thankful for so much. I am proud of Reid and how well he has done through his many appointments, procedures, taping, stent work, therapy sessions, and surgeries. He was perfect in my eyes the minute I saw him....and I will always miss seeing that first face that I loved so deeply. Reid, you've been through a lot... and I could not be more proud of you. You've come a mighty long way, baby.
Ahhh, remember that lovely NAM? It grew to be as big as you were...almost. But, we are grateful for it. It helped transform you into the handsome little guy that you are today.

Brian and I were so taken aback at your new look that we had to sit down for a moment to catch our breath. The transformation was amazing.