Ellie and Reid's mom here...
Sorry it has been awhile since I have posted pics of the kids. I think we are getting into a good routine here since school has started. The kids are up by 7 am no matter the day....their little bodies have adjusted to our new routine, which I am so grateful for.
Ellie will be 4 on Sept. 4 which is unreal to me. We are planning a party with the neighborhood kids (we have 4 others who are all VERY close in age that we always celebrate things with) for next Friday. Guess I should go get the supplies today. That is the hard part about working. No more going to the store at 1 in the afternoon to go grab something. Nope....those tasks are kept for Saturdays now. It's
ok. I just have to get adjusted as well! So, big party next weekend. Pinata and all. Oh, boy!
Then, Ellie is one marble away from getting her prize for filling her happy jar again. We promised her a "trip" to a hotel with a pool this summer...but she did not fill her jar in time. So...I have next Monday off from school. I know you city folks with LOVE this one. We have Fair Day. Yes, you heard me correctly....Fair Day. When I first started teaching at this district, I had no idea what Fair Day was. Now, I know. We have a fairly rural district where many kids show animals at the county fair. or show their 4-H projects. This then creates many absences in school for the Fair week....so Monday is always Fair Day for kids....and school is cancelled for all county schools.
Ok, let me have it city folks.....laugh all you want! : ) It's
ok! But, anyway..on with my story...since we are off, Brian is taking the day off, and we are taking Ellie to a hotel, or "
vercation" as she calls it. Reid will stay with my parents. It will be nice to give Ellie some time alone. I am looking forward to it. She doesn't know about this yet.
Reid is doing well. Getting into everything and LOVING to pull himself up. Ellie didn't even crawl until close to a year and didn't walk until almost 15 mos. Not Reid. He is a man on a mission. I have a feeling, he will be walking before a year. He is doing well at the sitter, and loves the attention he gets from Jen. I am thrilled with how adjustments have gone. We are lucky.
School is good....we are getting into the swing of things. Amazing how you bounce back after being gone almost a year. Just like riding a bike, I guess. You just do it....and somehow, never forget! It's nice to be with those I love to teach with. I am blessed with great co-workers.
Well, that's it for now....time to go get ready for the day, so we can go pick out the pink plates and party favors! Until next time.....